SENIORs: 'Breakfast with the band' Concert

Our Seniors' Band will be having our first ever concert, "Breakfast with the Band" for 2015 and we would like to extend this invitation to you, your friends and your families to come and join us in this fun-filled musical event!

The date and time are as follows:

Date: April 11, 2015 (Saturday) 
Time: 10AM to around 11 or 11:30AM 
Venue: Lower Hall @ 22 Bungalow, PBC

Refreshments will be provided as well so please do come! 

A side note to all Senior squad leaders: Please check with your respective squad members if they're able to attend and collect the total number of people (inclusive of the number of people your members are bringing) and get back to me latest by April 4. 
The sooner your squad can confirm its headcount the sooner we can make the seating and meal arrangements.

Your cooperation is very much appreciated! :)) 
Thank you!