Senior Section Self-Paced Awards Requirements

Self-paced awards refers to awards you take on your own availability and timing. These awards and badges usually require you to develop mini-projects and reports. Refer to your BB Handbook or the guide below for more information. For consultations on self paced awards, please contact LT. Brandy.



Fire & Rescue Introduction



Please click on the link below to download the Backpack module for the Camper's Basic badge class. 


Senior's Award Forms

Hi members! 

Below is a link to download the Award forms.
Please do download this document to your PC and print them out if you can!

Please try to get this done soon as E & A is just around the corner




Safety Basic Materials

Safety Basic

Click on the below highlighted links to download the class syllabus and materials


Safety Advanced Assignment

Please click on this link to download the Safety Advanced Badge instructions.


Table Grace

In BB, we have a unique way of saying grace before we eat our meals together to thank God for the food that He had provided for us: 

Be present at our table, Lord;

Be here and everywhere adored:

Thy creatures bless, and grant that we

May feast in paradise with Thee,



Boys' Brigade Vesper

We sing the BB Vesper as a prayer at the end of a BB parade, gathering or function:

Great God who knowest all our need,

Bless Thou our watch and guard our sleep.

Forgive our sins of thought and deed,

And in Thy peace Thy servants keep

We thank Thee for the day that’s done,

We trust thee for the days to be.

Thy love we learn in Christ Thy Son,

O may we all His glory see.



Boys' Brigade - The Anchor Song

There’s an emblem fair that is known to all,

A sign to help us through.

It stands for strength and it stands for right.

An Anchor tried and true,

The emblem of the Boys’ Brigade.

It helps us on our way,

Our Father’s knew in days gone by,

This sign we know today.


‘Sure and Steadfast’ The Brigade Boy’s motto clear.

That’s our watchword when trouble and trials are near.

‘Sure and Steadfast’ to the flag that flies above,

In all that we do we’ll try to be true,

To the Anchor that we love.